Friends pick us up when we fall down, and if they can't pick us up ... they lie down and listen for a while.
Disney Pixar - 'Inside Out'
Through our inclusive ethos our aim is to make PSHE central to all aspects of pupil learning as we strive to attune high achieving, self-confident, resilient and positive learners. From a secure foundation of British values and beliefs we empower pupils to understand how to care for themselves and have a caring attitude towards others both mentally, physically and emotionally.
Our intent is to equip pupils with the knowledge and strategies on how to live healthy, live safely and responsibly able to manage life’s challenges whilst making the most out of opportunities as they become responsible citizens.
We put relationship and trust at the heart of all we do as a reflection of our desire to provide the best possible opportunities for our whole school community.
We will achieve this objective though focused, weekly, timetabled, creative exploration and discussion based lessons, which are enriched discreetly across the school day and in every aspect of school life, to maximise pupil's opportunities to understand and respect who they are, whilst embracing, and defending, the diverse society in which they live.
At Manor Primary we met our PSED/PSHE/RSE vision though the 'Jigsaw 3-11' curriculum. Jigsaw 3-11 is a comprehensive programme for Primary PSHE, including statutory Relationships and Health Education, in a spiral, which gives children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others. It has a strong emphasis on age appropriate emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health within a whole-school approach. This programme is designed to sensitively match the needs of our pupils.
Specialist visitors and community representatives are invited to school to discuss PSHE themes eg. Anti-Bullying, Anti-Racism and online safety is promoted daily through children accessing the internet/using a range of devices and themed weeks.
What you will see in a Manor Primary School PSED/PSHE/RSE Lesson
- Lessons are relevant to the children, their life and the wider world.
- Teaching covers the breath of PSED/PSHE/RSE, including the statutory changes to Relationships Education.
- Children’s prior learning and growing understanding is revisited and reinforced using their class floor book.
- High-quality questioning to assess children’s prior knowledge, during and throughout each 'Jigsaw' (unit of work).
- Lessons are well-structured, engaging and stimulating.
- An emphasis on correct and ambitious vocabulary.
- High-quality verbal feedback is provided throughout lessons – in line with the Year group overviews.
- It is expected that during PSED/PSHE/RSE lessons, an emphasis will be placed on active learning through planned discussions, circle-time, investigations, stories, role-play activities, puppets, group-work and problem-solving.
- Sequenced lessons (Jigsaw 'pieces') which deepen understanding and are meaningful in their delivery and impact.
- Opportunities for cross-curriculum links and enrichment activities.
- Achievement and Inclusion for all: All activities are planned, scaffolded and adapted where needed to ensure every child at Manor Primary School can achieve highly in PSED/PSHE/RSE. This may include adapted resources, adult support and awareness of emotional, wellbeing, physical and sensory needs.
The impact of our PSHE whole school approach will foster pupils who are able to make responsible and healthy choices as they become confident citizens.
Pupils who will demonstrate and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual Respect, Rule of Law and Liberty.
Pupils who will demonstrate resilience and a positive mental attitude to their work.
Pupils who can understand how to keep themselves safe at home and at school and know who can support and help them.
Pupils who can use digital devices safely and understand how to report unacceptable behaviour.
Pupils who can understand the different lifestyles that others may have and are able to be respectful and tolerant towards others who may live differently to themselves.
Pupils who can demonstrate their understanding and support their views with reasoning.
Pupils who can maintain positive relationships with a diverse range of family and friendship groups.
Finally, pupils who, though high attendance and levels of progression, demonstrate an aspiration to achieve in line with national expectations as barriers are removed for children to become successful.
Measuring Impact
At Manor we celebrate the creative, expressive, nontangible elements of such a broad and all-encompassing subject therefore we will measure PSHE impact through:
- Monitoring of the curriculum and its successful delivery and implementation.
- Monitoring and celebration of dynamic and creative class 'Evidence Floor Books' as an expression of pupil's engagement, achievement, thoughts and understanding of subjects, themes and topics explored.
- PSHE Subject Lead & School Leadership Team learning walks and 'book looks'.
- Pupil voice as an expression and celebration of intent, implementation and impact.
Our Curriculum
Our PSED, PSHE & RSHE Jigsaw Year
Jigsaw PSHE 3 - 11/12 Content Overview
Jigsaw 3-11 and Statutory Relationships and Health Education
100 Days - Day 32 - Anti-Bullying Week 2021 - Parent Pack
Headteacher Assemblies
Assemblies are led by the Headteacher with themes that focus on
British Values, celebrating being unique, current affairs, events to remember,
as well as whole school themes.
Following the story assembly, children will then explore the book and it's topic in
'Thoughtful Thursday'.
Floor books are in every class to capture children's views and activities.
DfE RE, RSE and Health Education Policy
DfE Website - Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education
DfE - Early Years Foundation Stage - PSHE Development
Department of Education - Statutory Guidance 2020
We define Sex Education as “… lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development.” It involves acquiring information, developing skills, and forming positive beliefs, values and attitudes."
We define Health Education as "….teaching pupils about physical health and mental wellbeing to give them the information that they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing now and in the future."
We define Relationship Education as "… teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults and showing respect for others."