Foundation 2
Our Year in EYFS Foundation 2 - Reception
EYFS - Reception - Long Term Plan 2024-25
EYFS Curriculum
EYFS Curriculum - Autumn 1a
eyfs reception baselining autumn 1a.pdf
EYFS Curriculum - Autumn 1b
eyfs reception the something by rebecca cobb autumn 1b.pdf
Our Reading Spine
EYFS - F2 - Reading Spine - Teaching Books & Author List
This Week's Home Learning Activities
Dear Parents/Carers
Welcome to the Foundation 2 Home Learning Section where you will find a breakdown of the weekly activities for F2 to support your child's learning and well-being. We believe home learning is a very enriching and positive experience but please make sure that your first priority is a happy home and remember if you feel you can't do any home learning, a little bit of learning is better than no learning at all!
You can submit evidence of your child's home learning via the Dojo app. I look forward to seeing all of your wonderful work!
Many thanks
Mr Croft
Phonics Homework
This homework will begin WE: 20.09.24
1) This week your child has learnt the phonics sounds 's' and 'a'. Please support them in their homework by watching the support YouTube clip linked below;
's' -
'a' -
2) Then complete the reading (blending) and writing (segmenting) sheet which is sent home every Friday with this week's common exception words ('sight' words) also. When your child brings them back to school completed they will be given three dojo points!
Mathematics Homework
1) Visit the School 'Numbots' website (logins were sent home with your child) and spend 20mins working on your basic counting skills. I will be checking at my end and the children who complete the task will be awarded Homework Dojo points and a chance to get in Mr Croft's prize box!
Literacy Homework
1) Read, then re-read, your child's Bug Club book in their reading pack (this will be changed weekly)
2) To support your child's 'love of reading' as part of our literacy programme read to your child nightly before bed (including their S.T.A.R book they have chosen themselves for you to read) remembering the value of conversation and targeted questioning to enhance their experience;
- Ask them about the main characters, plot and setting.
- Get them to predict what might happen next as part of enjoying reading.
- At the end ask them about their favourite bits and which bits they didn't like.
- Can they retell the story in their own words?
Foundation 2 (Reception) Class Dojo Reward System