Manor Primary School

Year 1 and 2

Hello and Welcome to Year 1 & 2's Class Page!

I am Miss Cotgrave and our teaching assistant is Mrs Williams we are looking forward to an exciting year with you!

In Years 1&2, we follow the Commando Joe's RESPECT values. They are:

R - Resilience

E - Excellence

S - Self Aware

P - Passion

E - Empathy

C - Communication

T - Teamwork


PE kit is needed on a Wednesday

Homework will be set on a Friday and to be returned the following Friday.

Reading books will also be sent home on a Monday and Friday, please read as much as you can with your child.


You will be able to see all of Year 1 & 2's amazing work by viewing our school's Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram and Class Dojo accounts.

Year 1 and 2 Long Term Plan 2024-25


Our Reading Spine